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Pedestrian crossing safety | KITE Projects

KITE Safe Cross - Pedestrian crossing over a railway at Bagpath

What will you be doing this bank holiday weekend? As the long-awaited bank holidays approach, families across the country are contemplating how to make the most of this precious time. For some, it’s a chance to unwind, relax and catch up on sleep. For others, it’s a chance to explore the countryside, by bike or by foot.

As you set out on your walk, you come across the railway tracks. What is the best way to cross the tracks safely, you may ask?

KITE Projects has the solution for you. Introducing KITE Safe Cross!

KITE Safe Cross takes KITE Step to a new level. Highly adaptable, this pedestrian crossing provides for members of the public to access the centuries-old rights of way that have been traversed for years. This maximises the protection of people when adjacent to a railway or on railway property.

This system is all about keeping you and your family safe. The genius of this product is that pedestrians and dog walkers can get a proper sighting of the track at the decision point, which is crucial for their safety.  

This access also creates connection. KITE Safe Cross enables more people to connect to the countryside or their network without using a vehicle, reducing your carbon footprint and impact on the planet. Here at KITE Projects, we are commited to developing our products to minimise environmental impact. Your role in using these systems on your daily commute all contributes to a ‘sustainable environment’.

Your safety is our priority. Our innovative solutions are designed to ‘protect your network’ for generations to come. As you enjoy a leisurely walk in the countryside this weekend, remember to use pedestrian crossings correctly. You and your family’s safety are paramount this bank holiday.

Give us a call on 02045 532200 to discuss your access requirements today!

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